Friday, February 12, 2021

The TV Roundup #4


It's been a sparse TV week. I wasn't really in the mood for a new show although I did pick up a new book that was very engaging but unexpectedly hits too close to home. Lunar niú year snuck up on me and mooed its way into my consciousness. No, really. Mooing cow videos were my clue that it's the year of the Ox we're welcoming.

Mr. Queen | E17

Best episode yet. Pistons firing on all relevant cylinders: the romance, character development, even the political machinations did not suck. Color me surprised.

I love love love how comfortable the OTP are together. They don't always understand each other (him more than her), but they "get" each other. There's a lot of trust and love implied and obliquely referenced. They haven't outright said their iloveyous, but their actions speak louder than Lady Choi screaming her frustrations into the bamboo forest. It's wonderful to behold.

Sad Orabeoni is still on his dark merry path, but surprisingly hasn't completely turned his back on the Queen. I thought he was ready to go scorched Earth spurned lover but he's still scheming, protecting her in his own way. I know other people are done with him and want to punch him in the face, but my soft spot for him remains. I acknowledge my bias and don't care. His sorrowful puppy dog eyes won me over completely pretty early on. Eh. What can I say? I love what I love. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The even bigger surprise is Eui Bin Jo Hwa-jin. She finally stopped being in denial and accepted that she was losing herself, turning evil due to greed and selfishness. Then she had the self-awareness and bravery to get herself out of that situation. Gossip and reputation be damned. Brava, lady! First time I've liked and admired the ovaries on her. Now I see the woman Cheoljong fell for.

I haven't seen episode 18 yet, and don't plan to until the final two episodes are out. It's going to be a fun binge watch come Monday.

This whole scene was probably my favorite sequence in the entire show so far.

She Would Never | E08

The story has settled into a nice pace. Cheating ex seems to finally be accepting his lot in life and trying to move on. Song-ah is putting herself first and trying to heal before getting into anything new. And rightfully so for her own sake and for the sake of any future relationship she'll have. It really is just bad timing on Hyun-seung's part that he fell for and confessed to a woman who just got out of a serious relationship. (Or good timing depending on your view point? At least he confessed at the tail end of her relationship rather than when she was actively, blissfully in a relationship.) Never fear though. I have faith our cute OTP will pull through. That preview certainly has me hopeful.


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